What Is Mutah Marriage:- Marriage is an important institution in Islam, and it is considered to be a sacred bond between a man and a woman. While the concept of marriage is universal across all Islamic sects, the interpretation and practice of it may differ.
One such practice is Mutah marriage, also known as temporary marriage or pleasure marriage, which is a controversial issue within the Islamic community. In this article, we will explore the meaning of Mutah marriage, its permissibility in Islam, and whether it is considered halal or haram.
Additionally, we will provide answers to some frequently asked questions and compare the views of Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims on this issue.

Shia Muslims | Sunni Muslims |
Permissible | Forbidden |
Valid form of marriage | Considered as immoral |
Recognized in Islamic law | Considered a form of prostitution |
Controversial practice | Prohibited by Prophet Muhammad |
What Is Mutah Marriage?
Mutah marriage, also known as temporary marriage or pleasure marriage, is a practice in Shia Islam where a man and a woman enter into a marriage contract for a specific period of time. The period of the marriage is agreed upon by the two parties, and the marriage contract includes a predetermined date of expiry. The marriage is dissolved when the period expires, and the couple is free to go their separate ways.
Mutah Marriage Meaning
The word “Mutah” is derived from the Arabic word “Mut’aa,” which means pleasure. The practice of Mutah marriage is often referred to as “marriage for pleasure” since the primary aim is to enjoy the benefits of marriage without the lifelong commitment.
Is Mutah Marriage Allowed in Islam?
The permissibility of Mutah marriage is a contentious issue among Muslims. While Shia Muslims believe that Mutah marriage is permissible, Sunni Muslims believe that it is forbidden. The practice was prevalent during the time of Prophet Muhammad, but it was later prohibited by him. Shia Muslims, however, believe that the prohibition was lifted by the Prophet’s successor, Imam Ali.
Is Mutah Marriage Halal?
Shia Muslims believe that Mutah marriage is halal, but Sunni Muslims believe that it is haram (forbidden). According to Shia Muslims, Mutah marriage is a valid form of marriage and is recognized in Islamic law. Sunni Muslims, on the other hand, consider it a form of prostitution and deem it as immoral.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Is Mutah marriage practiced by all Shia Muslims?
No, Mutah marriage is a controversial practice within Shia Islam, and not all Shia Muslims practice it.
- Can Mutah marriage be performed with a non-Muslim?
According to Shia Islamic law, Mutah marriage can only be performed with a Muslim woman. However, some scholars permit it with a woman from the People of the Book (Jews and Christians).
- Can a woman initiate Mutah marriage?
Yes, a woman can initiate Mutah marriage, provided she has the consent of her guardian.
- Is there a limit on the number of times Mutah marriage can be performed?
There is no limit on the number of times Mutah marriage can be performed, provided the marriage contract includes a specific period of time.
- Is the practice of Mutah marriage widespread in Islamic countries?
No, Mutah marriage is not a widely practiced form of marriage in Islamic countries, and it is often frowned upon.